National Inner Beauty Day
National Inner Beauty Day:
National Inner Beauty Day is celebrated every year on the 7th of October. This day has been declared as National Inner Beauty Day to help people appreciate themselves and their inner beauty. It encourages people to look beyond outward appearances and respect and admire the people that they are.
Year | Date | Day | Where |
2023 | 7th October | Saturday | United States |
2023 | 7th October | Sunday | United States |
2025 | 7th October | Monday | United States |
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Related: Other National Days Celebrated on October 7th:
Why Inner Beauty Day?
National Inner Beauty Day aims to spread awareness and lending support to those subject to human trafficking. It is observed to understand that any type of forced labor and sexual exploitation, and slavery is punishable and morally wrong. Many are unknowingly and unwillingly involved in this activity, and this day is conducted to raise awareness.
Millions of people are victims of Human Trafficking. They have been caught in a trap and find it difficult to move out of it. Often these people become insecure and fall into depression. They associate their misery with their inabilities. This day is to help these individuals and make life a better place for them.
“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” Beauty has been associated with how one looks. National Inner Beauty Day” allows people to appreciate people and the beauty of their personality. Every individual is beautiful, and we must appreciate each individual’s uniqueness and not hate them or marginalize them for their outward appearances.
Often most people find themselves to be conscious of their physical appearances. They relate socially conditioned standards of physical appearance with beauty. National Inner Beauty Day encourages people to re-think these ideals of beauty. It gives beauty a whole other meaning that manages to motivate people to have a positive outlook towards life.
It has become an involuntary instinct or action for us to judge and characterize people based on how they look. We somehow seem to look beyond what we see. Our lifelong exposure to conditioning by society has led us to categories of beauty. We have been made to believe that only certain characteristics or traits are ideal and beautiful. The 7th of October is a day that reminds people to spread positivity and reduce toxicity.
People have been subject to harsh judgments and criticisms that have caused serious depression amongst many. The toxicity that we unknowingly have promoted has caused many to even go to the extent of ending their lives. The sad reality is that we go around making negative judgments about people without thinking of the repercussions. We have normalized this situation, and reversing the effects of such a practice is going to take a lot of effort.
Another aspect of National Inner Beauty Day is that the day forces us to look inside. To try and understand who we have become and how we have achieved it. To appreciate and acknowledge the person that we have nourished and helped shape over the years. There could be plenty of traits about ourselves that we are comfortable with and are proud of, and there could be plenty that we are not so proud of. We must be ready to acknowledge our shortcomings as nobody can be perfect; we must learn to love ourselves despite our drawbacks. We create our inner beauty, and we must be appreciative of it. If you aren’t comfortable with who you are, you must work towards bettering yourself and must strive to respect the person you are.
Human Trafficking is a serious crime, and it should be put to an end. Exploiting people for selfish means is extremely wrong and condemned. National Inner Beauty was started to put an end to this cause with sufficient awareness.
How can we celebrate National Inner Beauty Day:
- Donate to organizations and NGOs that work to prevent human trafficking. The funds collected will be of great help to the victims. The money collected can help them find stable jobs and get a hold of their lives.
- Use hashtags like #NationalInnerBeautyDay, #InnerBeautyChallenge, #StopHumanTraficking, #SavingInnocense, and so on and spread awareness through social media. Use stories, posts, and blogs to educate people.
- Volunteer with those who work for the cause and help create a change in the lives of those affected.
Interesting Facts on Inner Beauty Day:
- National Inner Beauty Day was started to create awareness about Human Trafficking.
- The movement aims to educate people and help victims of Human Trafficking.
- This day was officially declared in 2017 and has been celebrated ever since.
- More than 24.9% of the people are subject and victims of Human Trafficking.
- This day also tries to help people acknowledge and appreciate themselves.
History of National Inner Beauty Day:
Roma Newton, the owner of 6Degrees Management, created National Inner Beauty Day. She started it to appreciate the extraordinary capabilities that we have and wanted people to look deep within and acknowledge their true personality and beauty. She associated with an organization named Saving Innocence that works to help victims subject to human trafficking.
She works with the team to spread awareness about Human Trafficking. They also encourage people to celebrate their true personalities and cater to build a positive environment void of toxicity.