National Inventor’s Day
National Inventor’s Day:
Celebrated on February 11th, every year. This day is to pay tribute to all the Inventor’s of all Era .
Year | Date | Day | Where |
2023 | 11th February | Saturday | United States |
2023 | 11th February | Sunday | United States |
2025 | 11th February | Monday | United States |
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Related: Other National Days Celebrated on February 11th:
National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
National Shut-In Visitation Day
Why National Inventor’s Day?
The Inventor’s Day is founded to commemorate the inventors and their significant inventions. The day is also observed to recognize the forgotten inventors who sacrificed their entire life to lift up our lives. Just imagine our lives without electricity, impossible, right! Let us thank Thomas Alva Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday and other inventors who brightened our days. Can we ever imagine what if Alexander Fleming licensed his Penicillin patent! It would never been accessible to the poor’s. Likewise, think of whatever you use right now, from phones to Computers, Airplanes, etc. let us feel grateful for the inventors who strived/strives hard to give us the great inventions.
How we can Celebrate National Inventor’s Day:
Use this hashtag #Inventor’sDay to honor every single invention and the respective inventor. Please post the inventor name along with their famous invention so that none of the inventors should be forgotten.
List of Top inventors of all times:
Thomas Alva Edison: 1093 patents that includes electric light bulb.
Albert Einstein: Theory of Relativity (that has paved way for the development of Atomic Power)
Alexander Graham Bell: Telephone, Audiometer, Metal Detectors, etc.
Isaac Newton: Universal Gravitation, laws of Motion, etc.
Charles Darwin: Theory of evolution.
Galileo Galilei: Telescope
Michael Faraday: Laws of Electrolysis, Benzene (as a chemist), etc.
Benjamin Franklin: Electricity, lightning rod, bifocal glasses., etc.
Alexander Fleming: Penicillin
Marie Curie: Radium and X-ray
Louis Braille: Braille Reading System
Archimedes: Archimedes screw, Pi
Alessandro Volta: Battery
William Henry Fox Talbot: First Negative (Photography)
Nikola Tesla: Alternating current electricity supply system.
John Logie Baird: Television
Guglielmo Marconi: Radio
Charles Babbage: digital Computer
Wright Brothers: Airplanes
Thomas Savery: Steam Engine (patented)
Leonardo Da Vinci: Art and science, Anatomy and Physiology. Famous for his drawings of a fetus in utero (Apart from Mona Lisa)
Hedy Laman: Frequency-hopped spread spectrum
J.Robert Oppenheimer-Atomic Bomb
Robert Noyce: Integrated Circuit
Cai Lun: Paper
Thomas Newcomen: Steam Engine
KirkPatrick Macmillan: Pedal Bicycle
Rudolf Diesel: Diesel-powered combustion Engine
Karl Benz: Car (Petrol-powered)
William Cullen: Pioneer in invention of Refrigerator
Tim Berners-Lee: World Wide Web (www)
Steve Jobs: Microcomputer Revolution
László József Bíró (Hungarian language) : commercial ballpoint pen
John Harrison: Sea Longitude device
I posted after a basic research. You try to explore more and either post in the comment section or use the hashtag. Thanks
Interesting Facts About National Inventor’s Day:
In spite of inventor’s day being an international event, it is celebrated on different days.
In Russia, National Inventor’s and Rationalizer’s Day is celebrated on the last day of June (end of June) on an annual basis.
In German speaking European countries (Germany, Switzerland and Austria), November 9 is observed to commemorate Hedy Laman, an inventor and actor (she is famous for the invention of Frequency-hopped spread spectrum).Her birthday is on November 9.
In Argentina, September 29, the birthday of László József Bíró (Hungarian language),inventor of commercial ballpoint pen, is recognised as National Inventor’s Day right from the year 1986.
History of National Inventor’s Day:
In the year 1983, the then president Ronald Reagan officially declared February 11 as National Inventor’s Day. He stated, “Call upon the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate celebrations”. The day was chosen, as it is the birthdate of Thomas Alva Edison, America’s greatest inventor. He patented nearly 1000 inventions that are inevitable to humankind. Therefore, to honor those inventions, the day had been selected.