National No Dirty Dishes Day
National No Dirty Dishes Day:
Saying “No” to all dirty dishes, the National No Dirty Dishes Day is celebrated on the 18th of May every year.
Year | Date | Day | Where |
2023 | 18th May | Thursday | United States |
2023 | 18th May | Saturday | United States |
2025 | 18th May | Sunday | United States |
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Why National No Dirty Dishes Day?
Everyone loves to have a wonderful meal, especially when it is shared with near and dear ones. However, no one loves to look at the sink after a meal, for it is full of dirty dishes. From kids to adults, across the world, everyone hates looking at dirty dishes. There is a simple solution to resolve this. All you need to do is clean your dishes right away and keep your sink empty all through the day. If you do not have dirty dishes to look at, then you don’t have to feel frustrated with it either. The National No Dirty Dishes Day is a celebration when you say “No” to having dirty dishes in your sink and keep the sinks happy too.
How can we celebrate National No Dirty Dishes Day?
The simplest and the most obvious way to celebrate this day is to ensure that your sinks are devoid of dirty dishes. But that is not the only way to celebrate this day. Here are other choices which you can look at to make this day interesting and also keep your sinks squeaky clean.
- Eat out for the day. Dishes pile up only when you cook or eat at home. Avoid eating at home and go out to your favorite restaurant to enjoy your favorite dishes on this day. While there will be restaurant sinks with dirty dishes for someone to clean, you will have a clean sink for a day at home.
- If you want to enjoy a day without dirty dishes and yet eat at home, you can do it with paper plates, cups, disposable silverware, etc. These can be used and then thrown into the bin after use, keeping your sink empty.
- The last resort is to clean your dishes immediately whenever they are to be placed in the sink. Doing your dishes immediately will ensure that your sink is empty and clean all the time. This is a good habit to develop for the upcoming days as well.
Share your thoughts and views about this day on social media with the hashtag #NationalNoDirtyDishesDay.
Interesting facts about National No Dirty Dishes Day:
On this specific day, let us get to know more about the different dishes, dishwashing detergents, etc.
- Paper plates are an excellent alternative to doing dirty dishes, and they were invented in the year 1867 by Hermann Henschel.
- The Dixie cup was invented by Lawrence Luellen and Hugh Moore and it is the most popular disposable cup today.
- The Defense factories multiplied in the 1940s which also led to the boom in the making of industries manufacturing disposable dishes. These were used for feeding workers.
- The most favored dish of porcelain has its history dating back to 600 AD when the Chinese started making them.
- The European pottery started as an inspiration from the Chinese pottery-making techniques in the year 1708.
- It was in the 1930s when the production of dishwashing detergents started in the United States.
- It was in 1887 when the first dishwasher for commercial purposes was invented. But the motor-powered options came out in the 1920s only. And it was in the 1950s when the production was available to the general public which is also when they featured the dry cycle.
- It is proven that a dishwasher uses less water than when you wash your dishes with your hand. You can save nearly 70% water by using a dishwasher.
- Almost an hour is spent every week prewashing before placing the dishes in the dishwasher. And yet experts say not to prewash as it would not make your dishes look cleaner and it consumes a lot of water too.
- Dishwashers are not just used for cleaning dirty dishes, you can simply use them to clean your vegetables, without the detergent, by running the cold cycle.
History of National No Dirty Dishes Day:
There is no specific information on how the day came into existence or who initiated it. However, we can say that this day is a tribute to disposable silverware, plates, and cups, as they eliminate the need to wash dirty dishes. It can also be a promotional day for the restaurants as eating out will save the effort in washing dishes.