National Garlic Day
National Garlic Day:
Celebrated on April 19th every year. The day is to create awareness of the Natural Medicine, Garlic. As believed to be originated from Asia, Garlic has tremendous medical benefits.
Year | Date | Day | Where |
2018 | 19th April | Thursday | United States |
2019 | 19th April | Friday | United States |
2020 | 19th April | Sunday | United States |
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Why Garlic Day?
The day is to create awareness of the Natural Medicine, Garlic. As believed to be originated from Asia, Garlic has tremendous medical benefits. It has a pungent smell due to the high amount of sulfur content and spicy flavored. It can be consumed raw and also mainly used for seasoning in most of the countries.
In the United States, a Garlic festival is being conducted on an annual basis in which, several varieties of Garlic foods were exhibited. As of now, this is the largest food festival in the United States. A Documentary filmed by the director, Les Blank in the year 1980, in California created a huge impression on Garlic.
How we can Celebrate or Observe National Garlic Day:
Post your known benefits of Garlic using this hashtag #GarlicBenefits on Social Media so that others may get benefitted.
Interesting Facts About Garlic Day:
Garlic helps us to fight with bad breath that is due to the inability of the liver to process certain toxic substances like Mercury. Thus, it regulates the function of Pancreas and Liver, which in turn eliminate the bad breadth further leads to proper digestion.
Eating Garlic on empty stomach is proven a great impact on diseases rather than taking it after food. Garlic acts as a Great remedy to fight against illness and being considered as a Natural Medicine since it has abundant of Vitamins Especially rich in Vitamin B.
Garlic is an extraordinary natural Antibiotic. It prevents from spreading infections like cold and fever and work fabulously in healing wounds. Meanwhile, it enhances our immune System and provokes blood circulation, preventing a deadly disease called “Anaemia”.
Garlic works well on acne prone skin. The Consistency of antioxidants present in the garlic fights with acne prone skin and helps in rejuvenation making skin evener. Garlic also helps in the functioning of the Cardiovascular System by confining the Cholesterol under level. It is a decongestant, which relieves nasal congestion for smooth regulation of respiration.
Normally, Homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood, are responsible for the heart diseases if the level is high. Garlic helps to reduce the level further preventing clotting and making the blood thinner.
Garlic is a great medicine. Conversely, the use of Garlic in certain situation could be harmful to our health. In case of already taking medication for blood clotting, Garlic should be avoided since it further makes the blood thinner. Those who were under medication for Heart disease should avoid eating garlic since it may further reduce the homocysteine level. Garlic is rich in iodine. Hence, Hyperthyroidism patients may suffer more on intake of garlic.
History of Garlic Day:
The Origin of this day is reported to be unknown. However, Garlic is been in use for several thousands of years and the origin of garlic is believed to be from central Asia. There are 300 varieties of Garlic now available in various countries. Not only the Garlic, its herb also used as an edible medicine in some of the countries. Egyptians worshipped garlic as a God before some hundreds of years ago and used as a currency for trading purposes. In Greek, people believe Garlic as a sign of good fortune. Moreover, the presence of Garlic is meant as a protection from Vampires in ancient times.