National Opposite Day
National Opposite Day:
Celebrated annually on every January 25th, the National Opposite Day brings out the inner rebel in you! This day gives you many opportunities to have fun and make everyone laugh by saying the opposite of what you would usually say. A day where you can skip your daily routine and make things go topsy-turvy and have loads of fun!
Year | Date | Day | Where |
2021 | 25th January | Sunday | United States |
2022 | 25th January | Monday | United States |
2023 | 25th January | Tuesday | United States |
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Related: Other National Days Celebrated on January 25th:
Why National Opposite Day?
It’s a universal fact that adult life is a mundane exercise of pulling yourself together and facing life as reasonably as you can. Gone are the days when you could be a carefree bird! Probably now you understand that Peter Pan was right all along! There’s no Neverland to escape to, but what if there’s a day in the calendar when you can bring out the cheeky mischievous child in you?
It’s a great day for children and adults alike to play around and shake out of the winter blues. It’s a great day to spend time with your friends and family and do things that you wouldn’t normally do. Various activities and events can be organized to celebrate this day to have a good time. Try doing something opposite than you usually do and who knows, you might catch someone’s attention, as the old statement goes, opposites attract.
Studies display that humor and laughter will have an effective impact on your fitness and growth of your lifespan. It can help in lowering the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Also, laughter causes the release of special neurotransmitter substances in the brain like endorphins that help to control pain. So prepare yourself for a low cortisol, stress-free day!
Numerous cartoons and TV shows celebrated the madness of this day by dedicating an episode based on an opposite day. From SpongeBob SquarePants to Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. In the following episodes, Billy and Mandy celebrated the event by remaining balanced throughout the day, which otherwise would never happen and Spongebob Squarepants embraced the madness of the day by trying to prevent the sale of his house, which he had initiated.
The main aim of this day is to have fun by saying and doing things exactly the opposite of what you mean. It’s a day on which you can embrace the inner prankster in you and play humorous tricks on people, it’s like having two April Fool’s Day in a single year! This day also allows you to say things that you always wanted to say but never usually do. On this day you can wear your clothes inside out, have breakfast for dinner and go tell your boss how much you love that job of yours!
How Can We Observe National Opposite Day:
- Hypocrites On The Loose
The traditional way of starting an opposite day is by declaring that it is, in fact, Opposite Day. You can compliment someone and tell them it is Opposite Day, leaving them both confused and humored at the same time.
- Your Imagination Is The Limit
From switching your casual good morning and good night greeting to taking a secret dig at your arch-enemy in the name of the opposite day, the ball is in your court!
- Inform First, Prank Later
You can try out your methods of celebrating this day but make sure that you tell your victims that you are celebrating this day, otherwise things can get pretty weird.
- Share on social media
You can promote this day by letting your friends know that they should not celebrate this day at any cost using #NationalOppositeDay and #OppositeDay on social media.
Interesting Facts On National Opposite Day:
Few facts Related To National Opposite Day
- References are dating back to President Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s where he stated that he does not want to run for the elections. The statement made everyone confused and left them wondering if he meant the opposite.
- On August 17th, 1959 President Dwight E. Eisenhower declared that it was the opposite day for one day only. This was done as the president was ordered by his granddaughter to execute this command. It was just supposed to be a fun thing for his granddaughter and shows the light-hearted nature of the president.
- A leading discussion regarding National Opposite Day is that some sources say the day should be observed on January 25 while others stated it would be celebrated on January 7. Eccentrics celebrate the National opposite day on the 25th of each month.
- The idea of the opposite sense creates a paradox. It would mean that this day cannot be observed as a National opposite Day because you have to act contrary to the norm.
History Of National Opposite Day:
The origin of this day is unknown but it is believed that it goes back to an old childhood game that dates back to the turn of the 20th century.