National Foam Rolling Day
National Foam Rolling Day:
National Foam Rolling Day, celebrated on May 11th of every year to raise awareness about the importance of the fitness of muscles. This helps us to understand why exercise is important for healthy muscle and body.
Year | Date | Day | Where |
2023 | 11th May | Thursday | United States |
2023 | 11th May | Saturday | United States |
2025 | 11th May | Sunday | United States |
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National Eat What You Want Day
Why National Foam Rolling Day?
Modernization has eventually changed the healthy lifestyles of people. It is more of a lazy lifestyle. We are restricted to sir in one place in front of the computer, which raises a high alert for different health problems to come in. A lazy lifestyle leads to tensed muscles and reduces the flexibility of body muscles. It results in muscle ache and soreness. It also leads to a decrease in blood flow level. Thus, inviting various diseases in our body.
What’s the point of earning luxury if we are not fit enough to enjoy them? This is why exercising is important for a healthy lifestyle. Foam Rolling is a brilliant way to relieve muscle soreness and tension.
Foam Rolling is also widely known as “the poor man’s massage” and is a years-old technique for self-massage. Foam Rolling exercises reduce muscle pain and help the muscles to relax. It also happens to increase the range of motion.
It also reduces the appearance of cellulite and manages fibromyalgia symptoms.
Foam rolling technique is not a matter that requires extensive studies. Some studies prove that foam rolling is an excellent way to drive away all muscle inflammation, soreness, and tightness. It is an amusing way of self-myofascial release technique (SMR technique) to cure muscle problems.
How can we celebrate National Foam Rolling Day:
This day aims to make our muscles healthy and fit. So, get up and take some time out of your busy schedule and just foam roll!
With the following steps, you can easily celebrate National Foam Rolling Day in a fun and healthy way without any monotonous schedule.
- Get up and gather the rest of your family members too. Everybody needs to take care of their health. However, in our busy lives, we tend to forget it. So, take up the charge and gather around everyone.
- Find an open area and give your muscles some foam rolling exercises. Or you can perform some muscle exercises that relax your muscles. Remember to be within your limits. Don’t try to take the exercise too far.
- Take the things to social media and raise awareness among your friends and relatives too. Click a photo doing foam rolling exercises and post it with the hashtag #NationalFoamRollingDay or #FoamRollingDay, and let your friends know about this day.
Interesting Facts on the National Foam Rolling Day:
There is always something new to know about our human body. The creation of our human body is so complicated, yet it’s one of the most astounding creations.
Given below are some amazing facts related to the human muscular system:
- There are more than 600 different kinds of muscles in our body!
- In our body, the largest muscle is the Gluteus Maximus. It is the extensor muscle of the hip. It supports the trunk and maintains the proper posture of our body.
- The strongest muscle award in our body goes to Masseter. It is the muscle in your jaw.
- The tiniest muscle in our body is located in our inner ear. It also includes the tensor tympani and the stapedius.
- The most hard-working muscle in our body is in our heart. It pumps around 2,500 gallons of blood on an average day!
- While the hard-working muscle in our heart but the busiest muscles is in our eyes, it takes around 10,000 coordinated movements in just an hour of reading!
- Muscles in our body make up about 40 percent of total body weight.
- Our brain’s right side motor cortex controls our body muscles on the left side and vice versa for the other side.
History of National Foam Rolling Day:
The history of National Foam Rolling day dates back to 1920. Moshé Feldenkrais developed his healing method with the help of foam rolling.
In 1987, Sean Gallagher proved the effectiveness of foam rolling exercises. The experiment is widely known as Gallagher’s Broadway Experiment.
Then in 2015, TriggerPoint started celebrating National Foam Rolling Day, a division by Implus Corporation. Trigger Point is a company that creates products that help people exercise daily.
So, celebrating this day was not just a part of their marketing scheme, but also they wanted to raise awareness among people about daily exercising.